-Victoria Park, Glasgow-
Spring 2010
Happy Teacher Day to all academics, teachers, lecturers, tutors, gurus and anyone..
Special teachers day as well to Cikgu (Umi/Kak) Pah, Cikgu Anjang, Cikgu Dun 2020, Cikgooden, Cikgu Azza, Cikgu Jane, Cikgu Fa, Cikgu Zue, Cikgu Azrine and all the teacher bloggers.
Guru Pembina Negara Bangsa
Kami guru Malaysia....
Tunai tetap kami tunaikan :P
Selamat Hari Guru,Cikgu.
alaaaaaaaa... ucapan utk cikgu KTS takde ke
ini tidak adil!! cikgu masakan pun cikgu gak :P
selamat hari guru, cikgu iina :D
lupa nak cakap, tulip2 tu sangat cumils n lawa....
tolong poskan utk aku tulip2 tu.. terima kasih banyak2.. baik n cumils sungguh hati cikgu iina ni... :D
errr.. ok.. takpe la klu taknak poskan.. peluk ciumkan tulip tu utk aku pun dah cukup
nak tuliiiiiiiiipppp!!
mak aii.. terbersin aku tgk BUNGA-BUNGAAN ni weih.. hahaha...
Selamat Hari Guru utk pendidik bangsa.. (cepat balik sambung tugas didik anak2 Malaysia nih.. aku doakan kepulangan seorang lagi pendidik dgn PhD.. amiinnn)..
Lama xdengar lagu tuh thanks dear ;)
Selamat hari guru cikgu KTS .. cikgu masakanb merangkap cikgu jahit manik.. ok.. mana hadiah hari guru utk aku nie?
nak tulip.. aku bg gambar jelah.. ambiklah ambik
InsyAllah.. tak lama lagik dah.. hari guru nie teringat bekas2 student aku yg dah mengajar kat seluruh malaysia.. Banyak kenangan aku dgn diorg terutama bila teringat pernah selia mereka latihan mengajar selama 14 mggu dulu.. ;)
Iinaaaaa....selamat hari guru.
Thanks ya.. ;)
selamat hari guru buat semua guru2 yang membaca blog iina ini :D
Mr Lonely
Thanks for stopping by ;)
Mak Su
Thanks maksu ;)
comeylnye tulip2...n gambar pun tlalu cantik...sayunye
Hello Iina, happy Teacher's Day....have fun. Never can tell one day one of your students might become the PM and remember you.
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates.
The great teacher inspires.
And the best teacher is the one who suggests rather than dogmatizes, and inspires his listener with the wish to teach himself.
Your purpose is not to create students in your own image, but to develop students who can create their own image.
Have a great week, enjoy the Spring and the beautiful tulips. Lee.
Thanks dik ;) akak tau akak mmg cantik kan kan kan hehehe
Uncle Lee
Thank you for all your lovely and inspiring words.. I really appreciate it so much.. I always pray they will always be successful in future.. most of my students are now teachers all over malaysia.. sometimes I got to meet them when I stop by at some of the schools during teaching training.. but yes.. I always believed they will be the best teacher and human being in the world..
Have a nice weekend and enjoy the lovely spring ;)
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