From the top of 'London Eye'
View of River Thames and Big Ben
-London 2010-
The river is within us, the sea is all about us.
-Eliot,T(homas) S(tearns)
“A cloud does not know why it moves in just such a direction and at such a speed...
It feels an impulsion...this is the place to go now.
But the sky knows the reasons and the patterns behind all clouds,
and you will know, too, when you lift yourself high enough to see beyond horizons.”
-Richard Bach-
cantiknya.... gayat tak tinggi2 ni.. hehe tapi view mesti best kan...
Mula2 gayat gak.. tapi lama2 ok sebab dia gerak pelan jek.. tapi bila berjalan tuh terasa gak terhuyung hayang jap.. lepas tuh ok dah ;)
waaaa syoknya...bilala nk rasa naik benda tu agaknya..in my dreaming kot..mybe :)
Insyallah.. kat mesia kan ada malaysia eye kan.. hehehe leh ler berangan sat.. ;)
tul la verangan nak g sana.. malaysia eye pun g lagi..g genting pn dh takut acane tu? ;p
bilo la den dapek poi sini ni. tahniah iina dapat ambik gambar tu dari angle yang sangat menarik
waaaaaaaahhhh.. cantiiknyaaa...
(uish.. gayaaat aku tgk weih.. huhuhu)
kak...bpe baht tambang dia hehee
satu lagi gambar yang cuba 'menjeles'kan aku!! ggrrrr
next picture!
uiyooo, gayatnyr..... ;), seriau nak naik menda menda macam tu
Tak pe berangan dulu.. nnti jadi kenyataan
Cikgu anjang
Thanks ya.. sungguh indah alam ciptaan Allah ;)
Nampak jek gayat.. tapi dia naik slow2 jek tak rasa pun.. memula tuh terasa gak terutama bila nak jalan keliling flight tuh.. tapi lama2 ok jek ;)
Duit mesia.. dekat rm100 sorang
next pic kena tggu aku rajin.. skrg nie mood nak siapkan benda lain...
Nampak cam gayat tapi sebenarnya bila naik takde lah gayat sangat.. gayat lagik naik kete kabel kat langkawi tuh ;)
wow.. beautiful scenery..
Sori ar lambek sampai. ketapi mogok ekeke..
Ina, atuk nak tuka haluan ko upsi. Dak lamo na duk kek UM tu. Dari mulo kojo sampai pencen dan kontrek pun kek UM. Dio dapek ofer gi upsi. Bulan onam nanti poi sanun. Kalau ado joki, kito jumpo lah yo.
Kak Pah
Alhamdullilah.. Baguslah.. kak pah ikut sekali ke?? ke atok yo poei sanun? InsyAllah kak.. ado joki kito jumpo kek upsi yo.. tak pon den poei yo umah kak sok.. standby mee kari utk den ;)
ngeri beb tgk benda tu :P
Apa yg ngeri?? hehehe tgk dr tempat tinggi cam xbiasa ;)
Hello Iina, wow! Thats very impressive!
I guess London now gone hi-tech compared to my days in the '60s.
Can see you a very sentimental lady.
How's the fish & chips in London? I miss that, ha ha.
And going on walkabouts in Soho, Hyde Park or browsing the stores at Regent and Oxford street.
You have fun and keep well, iina, Lee.
Uncle Lee
I can't imagine how London was in 60's but it change a lot I guess in this few years.. my first trip to London when I was in UK in 2002.. and back again to UK in 2007..
We manage to go to hyde park.. london eye.. take london cruise.. walking up to tower hill and tower bridge.. but we don't have enough time to go shopping.. I manage to go shopping in harrod and oxford street when I was in London 2008 attending a conference at earl court.. and can't finish all the shop.. very tiring and almost empty my pocket money hehehe..
Fish n chip??? always delicious.. still one of my fav.. ;)
Have a nice day too yeah
jom mlm ni jumpa dlm mimpi. ai pakai baju merah yer...
wokey.. nnti i tggu u.. nnti letak sepanduk sekali tau ;)
iina...mesti gayat tinggi2 tu...
Kak Anie
mula2 tu terasa gak gayat dia.. tapi dah lama2 tuh best jek ;)
Kak Iina! Bestnye!! Nak ikut!!!
Jom.. jom.. ;)
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